College & Young Singles


The Lindsay Lane College and Young Singles Ministry exists to minister to young adults. Our ministry generally is available to young men and women under 30. Other than the age category, there are no prerequisites. Come as you are and wherever you find yourself. Our ministry has young adults from various backgrounds, experiences, and circumstances.

We seek to bring glory to God by studying and applying His Word. We provide opportunities for Christian fellowship and seek to reach out to our community for the cause of Christ. We also worship together and carry out mission projects to serve the Lord and others.

We hope you will join us and begin to worship, grow, and serve as a part of Lindsay Lane Baptist Church.


This is our prime time for Bible study and discipleship. Meet with us in the Loft of the FLC at 9:00 AM on Sunday mornings.

Searching the scriptures to understand our responsibility as faithful managers of our time, money, and relationships.


SMAC stands for Sunday Morning After Church. This is our monthly fellowship time where we pick a place to go eat and fellowship after church.